Monday, May 24, 2010

I ♥ Faces - Week 21 - “Yellow” Photo Challenge!

This picture is several years old. My boys are now 8 yrs old. I couldn't resist sharing this one during the challenge this week. Please feel free to leave a comment and visit others in the challenge:

Munford High School Graduation, Class of 2010

Congratulations Amanda and all the Graduating Class of 2010!

Amanda and her sister Jessica

Amanda and Michael, her dad.

Blending a family is never easy, but they do it well.

I am so happy for all of you.

There's a whole new life out there...

This is one of the most awesome sunsets I have seen in awhile. This was the scene in the sky when one of the class speakers was talking about those that have went on before them..and how they were looking down from heaven upon them smiling. Note the "face" on the right of the picture....the only editing on this picture was the watermark.

"Spread your wings and FLY!"

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Girl Scout, Bridging ceremony

Going from the Junior level to Cadette level in Girl Scouts .

We had a few rain showers, but here is one of Beanna and I...a bit soggy.