Monday, March 22, 2010

I ♥ Faces, Week 12 - "Focusing on Angles"

This photo was taken using "the angle above", Luckily my new Nikon has the flip screen and I was able to hold the camera over my head and still see what I was doing.

These are part of a photo shoot last week with Baby "K". I just love his big blue eyes, and how alert he was. Doesn't those eyes and little smile just melt your heart. Babies are just so precious?

I look forward to spending time with his family in a few weeks doing family portraits.

Thank you for visiting and for your comments.


  1. cute baby! :) what sweet little expressions! :)

  2. Hi Priscilla, thanks for your comment on my photo! What a cutie in these pictures! have a great week!

  3. He is a cutie for sure : ) Just so you know, to be eligible to win, you can only have one image in your post. It is hard to pick a favorite, I know : ) Some people do another post with their runner ups and add a link in the post so people can go look at them. Good luck : )

  4. How adorable is he! Love the shot of him in the hat, such a funny and sweet expression.

  5. What a doll baby! I especially like the little wave you caught in the big pic!

  6. Love the hat to the side! Too cute!

  7. Ooo what a cutie pie! great angles!

  8. so precious!!!

    krista @
